COMMON CREEPS by Alex Cosper

Are you bothered that the leading drug companies have marketed products found to cause heart attacks? (12/17/04)

respondent quote
UNKNOWN SKEPTIC: You would have thought that after Merck pulled Vioxx in September that there would have been more public concern. And now Pfizer says they are NOT going to pull Celebrex, in which tests by the National Cancer Institute indicate may cause heart attacks. In a few weeks this issue will probably blow over in the media, depending on how much advertising the company does with the media.
DJ YOYO JO-Z: Yo, that's one more reason to just quit that whole corporate world all together. Man, people need to get back to soul. You can save your soul by dancin' to my mix every Friday night. Just remember, in the phony world they want you to die, but I want you to live.
MR. BIG BIZ: Ahhh, I'm sure Pfizer, like Merck, will be able to convince shareholders that this is all no big deal. After all, the tests were inconsistent with the large body of data from previous in-house testing. I wouldn't go pointing fingers at Wall Street or specific companies. Instead, the public should consider the warning and purchase at their own risk, unless of course, we abandon capitalism all together. Keep in mind that would be a win for the terrorists.
JENNIFER: Yes it bothers me a great deal. This looks really bad for all drug manufacturers. Hopefully, the message will finally get through that medical marijuana is the answer, not synthetic drugs made by monster corporations that want to make money off creating and maintaining illness.
BROKER BOB: Hey, the stock fell 11% on the news, but I saw that as a buy opportunity, so I bought a million more shares. I expect the stock to recover nicely once this story is out of the news.
SKULL MADISON: Pfizer and Merck are cornerstones of an empire that I gladly support. Who cares if they've put out drugs that cause heart attacks? Most people are gonna die at some point anyway. Part of the reason we have these companies is to create a sense of security among the masses. It's all psychological. This is necessary to keep the public within fixed parameters for the sake of behavior control. It also works nicely as a mechanism for population control.
COLLEGE STUDENT: I actually think some of the legal drugs are more dangerous than the illegal ones. You see, they don't want us to know about organic remedies, because that would put them out of business. The sad thing is, if they stay in business, they will inevitably put civilization out of business.
OLD MAN WICKER: I use drugs like Celebrex all the time for my arthritis, so this issue is of grave concern to me. I'm glad they haven't taken it off the market yet, because it wouldn't be on the market if it didn't have some kind of value, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. If I didn't take drugs every day just for the sake of taking drugs, I'm not sure what my purpose in society would be.

all drawings © 2004 by Alex Cosper. All Rights Reserved.